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The Midgard Serpent Snake Cuff Bracelet

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The Midgard Serpent Snake Cuff Bracelet

from $69.00

The Midgard Serpent: In Norse mythology, when Loki threw Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard Serpent, into the sea, it grew so large it encircled the world and grasped its own tail. When it releases its tail one day, the great reckoning Ragnarök will begin, bringing devastation and floods, but the world will rise again from the waters, cleansed and reborn. The Midgard Serpent snake cuff from our Creatures of Night Collection is a powerful yet versatile statement piece. The cuff bracelets are available in solid bronze or sterling silver and are adjustable. As with any cuff, we recommend getting it to the size you desire then wriggling it on and off instead of bending it back and forth each time you take it on and off. Each cuff comes with a decorative card back telling the story of the Midgard Serpent.

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